Phase 2: Attempt a List of Passwords Using the Built-in Dictionary

The worm itself contains a small dictionary of words that the author thought were good prospects for passwords. The words of this dictionary were encrypted and exclusive or'ed with hexadecimal 80 (128) in order to confuse people trying to decompile the program. The Worm would decrypt the entire dictionary, then pick words at random and test encrypted versions of this word against the encrypted password in the /etc/passwd file. After the entire dictionary is attempted, it was re-encrypted.

The dictionary itself consists mostly of nicknames, names of characters and other words that are unlikely to be in a normal dictionary, but which are decent candidates for passwords. As before, if a match is found, the Worm calls the attack-user function.

After the entire Worm dictionary is checked, the Worm proceeds on to Phase 3. It is estimated that the Worm would need at least 9 hours to process its entire dictionary and move on to the next section of the cracksome function.

The Worm's built in Dictionary

"academia", "aerobics", "airplane", "albany", "albatross", "albert", "alex", "alexander", "algebra", "aliases", "alphabet", "amorphous", "analog", "anchor", "andromache", "animals", "answer", "anthropogenic", "anvils", "anything", "aria", "ariadne", "arrow", "arthur", "athena", "atmosphere", "aztecs", "azure", "bacchus", "bailey", "banana", "bananas", "bandit", "banks", "barber", "baritone", "bass", "bassoon", "batman", "beater", "beauty", "beethoven", "beloved", "benz", "beowulf", "berkeley", "berliner", "beryl", "beverly", "bicameral", "brenda", "brian", "bridget", "broadway", "bumbling", "burgess", "campanile", "cantor", "cardinal", "carmen", "carolina", "caroline", "cascades", "castle", "cayuga", "celtics", "cerulean", "change", "charles", "charming", "charon", "chester", "cigar", "classic", "clusters", "coffee", "coke", "collins", "commrades", "computer", "condo", "cookie", "cooper", "cornelius", "couscous", "creation", "creosote", "cretin", "daemon", "dancer", "daniel", "danny", "dave", "december", "defoe", "deluge", "desperate", "develop", "dieter", "digital", "discovery", "disney", "drought", "duncan", "eager", "easier", "edges", "edinburgh", "edwin", "edwina", "egghead", "eiderdown", "eileen", "einstein", "elephant", "elizabeth", "ellen", "emerald", "engine", "engineer", "enterprise", "enzyme", "ersatz", "establish", "estate", "euclid", "evelyn", "extension", "fairway", "felicia", "fender", "fermat", "fidelity", "finite", "fishers", "flakes", "float", "flower", "flowers", "foolproof", "football", "foresight", "format", "forsythe", "fourier", "fred", "friend", "frighten", "fungible", "gabriel", "gardner", "garfield", "gauss", "george", "gertrude", "ginger", "glacier", "golfer", "gorgeous", "gorges", "gosling", "gouge", "graham", "gryphon", "guest", "guitar", "gumption", "guntis", "hacker", "hamlet", "handily", "happening", "harmony", "harold", "harvey", "hebrides", "heinlein", "hello", "help", "herbert", "hiawatha", "hibernia", "honey", "horse", "horus", "hutchins", "imbroglio", "imperial", "include", "ingres", "inna", "innocuous", "irishman", "isis", "japan", "jessica", "jester", "jixian", "johnny", "joseph", "joshua", "judith", "juggle", "julia", "kathleen", "kermit", "kernel", "kirkland", "knight", "ladle", "lambda", "lamination", "larkin", "larry", "lazarus", "lebesgue", "leland", "leroy", "lewis", "light", "lisa", "louis", "lynne", "macintosh", "mack", "maggot", "magic", "malcolm", "mark", "markus", "marty", "marvin", "master", "maurice", "mellon", "merlin", "mets", "michael", "michelle", "mike", "minimum", "minsky", "moguls", "moose", "morley", "mozart", "nancy", "napoleon", "nepenthe", "ness", "network", "newton", "next", "noxious", "nutrition", "nyquist", "oceanography", "ocelot", "olivetti", "olivia", "oracle", "orca", "orwell", "osiris", "outlaw", "oxford", "pacific", "painless", "pakistan", "papers", "password", "patricia", "penguin", "peoria", "percolate", "persimmon", "persona", "pete", "peter", "philip", "phoenix", "pierre", "pizza", "plover", "plymouth", "polynomial", "pondering", "pork", "poster", "praise", "precious", "prelude", "prince", "princeton", "protect", "protozoa", "pumpkin", "puneet", "puppet", "rabbit", "rachmaninoff", "rainbow", "raindrop", "raleigh", "random", "rascal", "really", "rebecca", "remote", "rick", "ripple", "robotics", "rochester", "rolex", "romano", "ronald", "rosebud", "rosemary", "roses", "ruben", "rules", "ruth", "saxon", "scamper", "scheme", "scott", "scotty", "secret", "sensor", "serenity", "sharks", "sharon", "sheffield", "sheldon", "shiva", "shivers", "shuttle", "signature", "simon", "simple", "singer", "single", "smile", "smiles", "smooch", "smother", "snatch", "snoopy", "soap", "socrates", "sossina", "sparrows", "spit", "spring", "springer", "squires", "strangle", "stratford", "stuttgart", "subway", "success", "summer", "super", "superstage", "support", "supported", "surfer", "suzanne", "swearer", "symmetry", "tangerine", "tape", "target", "tarragon", "taylor", "telephone", "temptation", "thailand", "tiger", "toggle", "tomato", "topography", "tortoise", "toyota", "trails", "trivial", "trombone", "tubas", "tuttle", "umesh", "unhappy", "unicorn", "unknown", "urchin", "utility", "vasant", "vertigo", "vicky", "village", "virginia", "warren", "water", "weenie", "whatnot", "whiting", "whitney", "will", "william", "williamsburg", "willie", "winston", "wisconsin", "wizard", "wombat", "woodwind", "wormwood", "yacov", "yang", "yellowstone", "yosemite", "zimmerman"

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